Monday, 13 August 2012

National specialty Peru guy doesn't love beauty love potatoes

Peru potatoPeru potato

Heimeiren potatoes now domestic now has been like a lot of friends, there are a lot of restaurants, units and individuals have been in use, but the black beauty potatoes now general application is still in a low level of the application, rather than color potato far has not yet reached its position in Peru and seed, in the world of "potato" township of Peru, color potato has become the national specialty.

The Andes are potatoes homeThe Andes are potatoes homeAll kinds of potatoesAll kinds of potatoesOn potatoes for a livingOn potatoes for a living

There was a film called "Seodongyo" hit drama, the heroine in the seventh Century ad to sell potatoes for a living, which is inconsistent with the facts, because potatoes are delayed until 800 years later, only by the "new continent" discovery, from South America gradually spread to other parts of the world. And Peru in South America the Andes Mountains, is the hometown of potato.

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