Tianning,SaipanEthnic diving dream.
Tinian and Saipan Island 11 islands collectivelyThe Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsIslands, located in the Western Pacific, in 2 time zones east of china. Tinian and Saipan Island is the two island prosperous, because the neighbor equatorial throughout the year such as summer, beautiful scenery, is the world famousTravelingA health resort.
In Saipan, Beiyi mountains covered by tropical vegetation, coconut trees, a wild profusion of vegetation through both sides of the road show in front of you is a beautiful blue greenPhilippinesThe sea, it is "just like heaven". All requirements of few destinations can meet all the tourists, Tinian, Saipan is one of them. World-classShopping, catering, tourism, activity here is rich and strikingly different. The island is about 19 kilometers long, 9 kilometers wide.
During the Second World War, Saipan and Tinian, adjacent to the warship island was once the American base. Different from the Southeast Asian island is the battlefield, as decades ago, now still has many relics of Saipan war, including marine tanks; and to the Saipan Island Tour, basically is a natural sightseeing around the island, including the long live the cliff, is the legendary last cliff; last command post, now also left cannon cave, cave diving.
Saipan to varied terrain and high transparency sea dive workers exhibit skill, known as the world's first dive resort. In addition to snorkeling and diving, surfing, fishing, can also choose the helicopter, by boat to the sea, jungle adventure, submarines, water parachute and other kinds of water sports.
Travel Tips
In these islands fishing is a stimulating and exciting sports, on Tinian and rota also popular cliff fishing. Sea fishing has two ways, one is the deep sea fishing, 4 people in 2 hours for about $250; another is the deep support fishing, 4 people 2 hours to about $500. The cliff fishing $65 / person, also is limited within 2 hours.
Sina travel routes recommended:
Saipan five days journey of dreamPrice: RMB 5580 yuan
Related reading:
Saipan: straight to the beautiful Pacific (Figure)
Saipan: water blue dream paradise (Photos)
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