If you were in the Swedish capital Stockholm, if you only stay for a short time, then your only choice, is to go to city hall, to the Nobel is related to the golden hall!
Stockholm City Hall's "Golden Hall", the golden hall is famous all over the world, surrounded by murals surround, on the left is the Swedish Pirate period from development to modern industrialization history picture, right is the famous Swedish history portrait, median wall sits Mela Lun goddess. According to introduction, the entire hall is a 18000000 cm square gold and all kinds of colored glass mosaic, golden color, extremely handsome.
Use the Golden Hall of the most famous, namely every December 10th (anniversary of the death of Nobel) Nobel awards dinner held after the ball.
The town hall hall is Stockholm lawmakers meeting place, every seat has the names of members of parliament. The hall the most eye-catching is the high ceiling.
The original design of the ceiling to the cap, when designers see ceiling bracket upright, suddenly found that looks like the early Viking ship shape, the designers simply modify the design.
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