The first time to Da Nang, inadvertently like this leisurely lazy town. The vast sea, slow boats, blue sky, the four seasons such as the summer Da Nang, the air floating heat flavor, gentle sea breeze blowing up the street to the seafood stalls. The local people live leisurely, at nine in the morning to go out, around 4 pm start work. Focus of their everyday life is a play, Turtle Beach, spring Zhao beach, beach beach, landscape, Meixi on beach...... Da Nang all free beach have become a playground to play.
Although the visitors, but no outsiders student. Because of the street without any selling merchandise hawkers, where all the restaurants are clearly the price, not because you are a foreigner and rip off. So, we can relax more into this seaside town, wanton and enjoy the beach barbecue, in Hoi An's food small file alone, or with the local people seated at a table with a street coffee...... Regardless of is the camellia peninsula south a Buddism godness Guanyin statue of the great or beach, watching the sunset, possesses the waves to eat seafood, a visit to the US, only four days of travel, has witnessed slow to enjoy life here.
VietnamDa nang:
Harbour Town
Compared to Duras's amorousXigongIn Vietnam, in the hearts of our people slightly obscure. However, enthusiasm for vacationTravelingThe US and Europe, this beautiful harbor city status as leisurelyPhuket Island,Bali Island. This is "Forbes" magazine as "the OrientalHawaii", has one of the six most beautiful beaches in the world, and the three largest in the world cultural heritage: the ancient city of hue, Hoi An ancient town and the mountain Champa cultural sites. Surprise people is, and otherTravelingThe city is not the same, in Da Nang, no matter go to any beach or attractions, there will be no hawkers selling goods to you come, there will be no more beggars ask tourists ask for change.
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